Monday, June 6, 2011

In The Beginning...

Just after midnight on January 20, 2004, I woke up and had to go pee REALLY bad. After leaving the bathroom, I remembered that I was pregnant and now technically one day over my due date. The more I thought about it, the more I began to think that my water had just broke, but what did I know, I had never done this before. I wasn't having cramps or any other signs of labour, but I woke my partner up anyway, to discuss. I really don't know what I was expecting from a man, who had never been through a pregnancy either, and after a few seconds of unintelligible mumbling, the panic struck him. He asked if I wanted to go the hospital, and I responded by telling him that I didn't think it was time, and to go back to sleep. He didn't object. About 15 minutes later, I started having small contractions, but I still didn't think they were bad enough to wake him again. So instead, I shaved my legs and painted my toenails, and when a contraction hit me, I would stand up, walk around stretching, and did some deep breathing. An hour had passed since I first woke up, and the contractions started getting worse. I woke Terry up and told him that this time, it was time.

I think it was around 2am when we were all "settled" in the birthing room. I remember that my back was killing me, so I took a shower. Then I remember laying in the bed, being hooked up to the monitors, and nurses asking me if I wanted to try the gas to relieve the pain. I said yep, and it turned out to be my best friend, until they took it away from me. It wasn't a difficult labour, if you ignore the fact that the stubborn little bugger didn't want to seem to come out. I think we tried every birthing position possible. I was tired, ready to give up, like I really had a choice. Then I remember my doctor and the nurses being concerned about the baby's oxygen levels, b/c he was in the birth canal for a longer than usual period of time. My doctor tried forceps. No luck. Then she tried the suction cup thing. I opened my eyes for second and saw that the "c-section doctor" was there, and I had a moment of panic of being cut open. I guess that's what did it, b/c the next thing I know, I was holding the most beautiful baby boy I had ever seen.

Riley Kevin O'Malley was born at 8:47am on Tuesday, January 20, 2004. He weighed 8lb, 15oz, and was 21 1/4 inches long. He had beautiful blue eyes, lots of white downy hair, big feet, big hands, and long slim fingers. Besides being a bit jaundiced, there were no concerns. He was bright, attentive, and perfect. He was mine, my sweet baby boy.

Riley, an hour old

One day old

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